New Student Admission for Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
FEBI UIN SU New student Admission model according to UIN Sumatera Utara New student Admission through the SPAN-PTKIN, UM-PTKIN, and independent / local. Description of these as follow:
1. SPAN-PTKIN Admission
SPAN-PTKIN or Selection for National Academic Achievement of State Islamic Religious Higher Education is a selection new student for invitations admission to enter State Islamic Religious Universities in Indonesia such as UIN, IAIN, and STAIN. One of them is the entrance to Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara.
SPAN-PTKIN is intended only for students who excel at school as can be seen from their report grades and other relevant achievements.
Prospective participants who will register for the SPAN-PTKIN must obtain recommendation from the principal at high school.
SPAN-PTKIN Online Registration is done online through the address
2. SNBP Admission
Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara is also part of the achievement selection path without a test known as SNBP (National Selection Based on Achievement).
For outstanding students who want to enter this campus, they can choose the SNBP admission. Usually, the study programs offered through the SNBP admission are Study Programs in general fields other than the Islamic field such as the Management Study Program. Registration is carried out almost simultaneously with the SPAN PTKIN admission.
3. UM-PTKIN Admission
Apart from opening the SPAN-PTKIN and SNBP admission, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara also opened UM-PTKIN admission.
UM-PTKIN or Entrance Examination for State Islamic Religious Universities is admission with written examinations to enter State Islamic Religious Universities in Indonesia such as UIN, IAIN, and STAIN.
UM-PTKIN selection is the opposite of the SPAN-PTKIN selection. Selection in the SPAN-PTKIN admission is carried out without a written exam, while in the UM-PTKIN it is carried out through a written exam.
Registration for UM-PTKIN is carried out online by prospective participants via
4. SNBT Admission
Besides being able to follow the admission above, prospective students who wish to enter Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara can also take part in the SNBT admission.
The study program offered through the SNBT admission is a general field study program (study programs other than the Islamic religious field).
SNBT registration is carried out almost simultaneously with the UM PTKIN admission
5. Independent Admission
Apart from opening new student admissions through the national admission above, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara also opens new student admissions through the independent admission which is managed directly by Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara.
For those of you who have previously participated in the SPAN-PTKIN, UM-PTKIN, SNBP, or SNBT selection, but at the time of acceptance announcement it was stated that you had not passed the selection, the last alternative that can be taken to enter Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara is to take part in the independent admission process.
How to Register Independent Admission:
a. Open registration address
b. Select Program Study
c. Fill in all the data on the registration form provided.
d. If you have finished filling out the online registration form, billing number will appear for payment of the registration fee at the nearest Bank Syariah Indonesia.
6. Foreign Student Admission
This Admission process complies with foreign student admission page.